Director Biography – Annabelle Frost (GROWING UP)

Annabelle Frost started her theatre career as an acting student at Boston University, Northwestern University and the Practical Aesthetics program through NYU. Always interested in directing, she channeled her education into directing plays like “No Exit”, “Moonchildren” and “Beirut”.

She moved into film halfway through Northwestern and directed the short “Morocco” and the music video “Momma” (winner of The Bronze Award at Worldfest Flagstaff). A few years later, she attended the American Film Institute where she directed another award-winning short, “Side Show” (winner of The Platinum Award at Worldfest Houston, nominated for Best Student Film at Vail Film Festival and Ashland Independent Film Festival, Official Selection at Mill Valley and Silverlake film festivals).

After AFI, she joined the hit television show “CSI” working for Producer/Director Richard J. Lewis. She shadowed him for seven episodes from prep through post, and directed many of the insert shots with C camera.

After her time on “CSI”, she transitioned to Post Production. She produced 6 pilots, and then made the leap to series on Fox’s primetime hit “Gotham”. As of Season 3, she is a Co-Producer.

She very much enjoys all the creative work that comes with producing “Gotham”, including her time shadowing Executive Producer Danny Cannon on his episodes, and her continued contribution as an Insert Director. Her recent mini-scene for Episode 221 aired in front of the main title card on May 16th, 2016.

Between Season 2 and Season 3, she directed a new short film entitled “G[r]o[w]ing Up” – a feel good piece depicting an elevator service operator’s struggle to fall in love – that will be heading out to film festivals upon completion.

Annabelle is pleased to report she has been accepted into the Warner Bros. Directing Workshop for 2017, and is on the roster to direct an episode of “Gotham” this season.

By femalefilmfestival

The irony of this festival is that its goal is to not be around in 5 years time. To eventually not be relevant because there is zero need to have a festival geared for female talent and female stories because the stories presented in Hollywood and around the world are a balanced showcase of the human experience from both sexes. Our goal is to achieve a lot of success and then fold into oblivion simply because there is no need for this festival. This festival was created by the FEEDBACK Film & Writing Festival as a simple reaction to a strong need to showcase female talent from around the world in a more profound way. When putting together the weekly festival, the administration noticed a lack of a female presence in the stories being shown at the festival. A classic example and analogy to the frustration is how the festival noticed that even the smaller roles in a screenplay were written for a man to play. There was zero reason for this in many stories. How a police officer, or a political campaign manager, for example with 3-4 lines in a screenplay was a "HE" character. Why? And these are the screenplays written by the winners! The talented one who have obtained agents and have began/beginning their careers as a writer.

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