HIGHLIGHTS, WINNERS & VIDEOS: April 2021 Female FEEDBACK Film Festival

Best Short Film: JEN, 28
Best Performances: THE HIDEAWAY
Best Cinematography: WHEN I BECOME WHO I AM
Best Sound & Music: MR. SEEK
Best Direction: 4X4

Theme of night: Starting over after trauma.

NOTE: Festival took place during the COVID-19 virus lockdown so all screenings were held in private.

Watch the Audience FEEDBACK Videos:

festival posterJEN, 28, 13min., USA, Drama
festival posterPALM SUNDAY, 7min., USA, Drama
festival posterWHEN I BECOME WHO I AM, 10min., Denmark, Experimental
festival posterCOFFEE WITH EXES, 10min., USA, Comedy/Relationships
festival posterCHLOE, 7min., USA, Drama
festival posterTHE HIDEAWAY, 15min., USA, Drama
festival posterOLIVE, 12min., France, Drama
festival posterDANA GAVANSKI – I TALK TO THE WIND, 5min., Italy, Animation/Music Video
festival poster4X4, 16min., Ireland, Drama
festival posterART FOR GEORGE FLOYD, 19min., USA, Experimental
festival posterMR. SEEK, 6min., USA, Drama

The beginning of a (temporary) new era.

See you at the festivals. Whenever that happens!

– Matthew Toffolo

By femalefilmfestival

The irony of this festival is that its goal is to not be around in 5 years time. To eventually not be relevant because there is zero need to have a festival geared for female talent and female stories because the stories presented in Hollywood and around the world are a balanced showcase of the human experience from both sexes. Our goal is to achieve a lot of success and then fold into oblivion simply because there is no need for this festival. This festival was created by the FEEDBACK Film & Writing Festival as a simple reaction to a strong need to showcase female talent from around the world in a more profound way. When putting together the weekly festival, the administration noticed a lack of a female presence in the stories being shown at the festival. A classic example and analogy to the frustration is how the festival noticed that even the smaller roles in a screenplay were written for a man to play. There was zero reason for this in many stories. How a police officer, or a political campaign manager, for example with 3-4 lines in a screenplay was a "HE" character. Why? And these are the screenplays written by the winners! The talented one who have obtained agents and have began/beginning their careers as a writer.

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